[KU GSIS BK21 Virtual Writing Clinic]

For all participants and fellows of the GSIS BK21 Program of Glocal Studies, 

the Virtual Writing Clinic will be offering online tutoring sessions by appointment. 

User Guide (Writing Clinic Policies)


Virtual Writing Clinic is by appointment, so to get started, 

writers need to make an appointment with editors. 

Editors will provide links to make appointments. 

Editors and writers will follow the steps below.

1. Editors create slots for appointments.

2. Writers choose a slot and send their materials to editors.

3. Once an editor receives material, the editor will adjust a specific time for 


4. Editors read and revise the materials.

5. Editors and writers meet and discuss writings at the appointment date.

6. Editors need to submit a report after the meeting.


In order to get successful operation of the VWC,

1. Email your materials to an editor no later than 48 hours before you meet.

2. Come with specific questions about your writing.

3. Be prepared to meet your editor.

4. Writers can make a 30-minute appointment.

5. Writers can only bring no more than 4,000 words.

6. Writers can only make one appointment per week.

7. We encourage you to cancel your appointments no later than 12 hours before 

   the scheduled appointment.

8. Once an editor completes proofread, writers and editors will meet and discuss 

   materials after editing on online (e.g., Zoom and Google meet).


If a writer does not appear on the appointment for no reason, the use of the 

VWC privilege may lose for two weeks.


Please refer to an attached PDF file for more details.

For further inquiries: gsisbk21@korea.ac.kr