"Win-win Prosperity? A Case Study on the Donor Benefits of the KOICA Scholarship Program"

● Author(s): Junhyup Kim, Chaeyun Kim, and Kyuwon Kang

● Journal: International Development and Cooperation Review

● Vol. & No.: 13(4)

● Year: 2021

● Link: https://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/ci/sereArticleSearch/ciSereArtiView.kci?sereArticleSearchBean.artiId=ART002799121#


Purpose: This paper aims to determine the perception on the effectiveness of the scholarship program of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) from the perspective of serving the host university’s interests. Originality: Prior literature is focused on the benefits of recipients and fails to encompass both stakeholders of the scholarship program. Therefore, this paper’s key contribution is the exploration of the scholarship program’s impact on the implementing university. Methodology: This study used a sequential mixed-method approach consisting of surveys and interviews. The surveys were conducted on the professors, administrative staffs, and students to examine their perception of the effect of the KOICA scholarship program on the implementing university. Then, among the respondents, individual interviews were used to analyze the reasons for the questionnaire results. Result: The KOICA scholarship program is effective in furthering both the governance and educational interests of the implementing university. In terms of the governance, the KOICA scholarship program improves the administrative capacity, and the status of the implementing university as well as Korea’s national image. In terms of education, the scholarship program has enhanced the quality of education and broadened the network of the implementing university. Conclusions and Implication: This study provides some evidence that the KOICA scholarship program serves the diplomatic and economic interests of Korea. Such evidence will contribute to raising public awareness on ODA and enhancing the scale and the effectiveness of ODA.